Nombre de registro:Application
Origen: MSExchange Certificate Deployment
Fecha: 06/04/2015 8:19:31
Id. del evento:2005
Categoría de la tarea:General
Nivel: Advertencia
Palabras clave:Clásico
Usuario: No disponible
Certificado de federación o autenticación no encontrado: A65CD35A40A0B21AA53C6EAAED012B184F6201B6. No es posible encontrar el certificado en los sitios locales o vecinos. Confirme que el certificado está disponible en su topología y, si es necesario, restablezca el certificado en la confianza de federación a un certificado válido mediante Set-FederationTrust o Set-AuthConfig. Es posible que lleve tiempo que el certificado se propague a los sitios locales o vecinos.
In fact, I would say that this process not only solved my issue but also got rid of a majority of the little warnings and errors on both my Exchange 2013 and Lync 2013 servers. they seem to enjoy life more when they can exchange tokens directly with each other.
For a majority of you, you will have the certificate in place, and setting up the integration will be super easy. If by chance, you do not have the cert, then this is your easy 2 min fix.
1. New-ExchangeCertificate -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $true -SubjectName "cn= Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" -DomainName "*" -FriendlyName "Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" -Services smtp
Do not accept to replace the SMTP certificate when prompted
2. Note the thumbprint of the new certificate. Let us assume it is 7A39541F8DF58D4821967DD8F899B27410F7C081
3. $a=get-date
4. Set-AuthConfig -NewCertificateThumbprint 7A39541F8DF58D4821967DD8F899B27410F7C081 –NewCertificateEffectiveDate $a
Accept to continue despite the fact that the certificate effective date is not 48 hours into the future
5. Set-AuthConfig –PublishCertificate
6. Make sure to remove any potential reference to the previous certificate (which might not exist anymore) by doing Set-AuthConfig -ClearPreviousCertificate.
you can now get back to finishing up your prereqs:
Nombre de registro:Application
Origen: MSExchange Certificate Deployment
Fecha: 06/04/2015 8:19:31
Id. del evento:2005
Categoría de la tarea:General
Nivel: Advertencia
Palabras clave:Clásico
Usuario: No disponible
Certificado de federación o autenticación no encontrado: A65CD35A40A0B21AA53C6EAAED012B184F6201B6. No es posible encontrar el certificado en los sitios locales o vecinos. Confirme que el certificado está disponible en su topología y, si es necesario, restablezca el certificado en la confianza de federación a un certificado válido mediante Set-FederationTrust o Set-AuthConfig. Es posible que lleve tiempo que el certificado se propague a los sitios locales o vecinos.
In fact, I would say that this process not only solved my issue but also got rid of a majority of the little warnings and errors on both my Exchange 2013 and Lync 2013 servers. they seem to enjoy life more when they can exchange tokens directly with each other.
For a majority of you, you will have the certificate in place, and setting up the integration will be super easy. If by chance, you do not have the cert, then this is your easy 2 min fix.
1. New-ExchangeCertificate -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $true -SubjectName "cn= Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" -DomainName "*" -FriendlyName "Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" -Services smtp
Do not accept to replace the SMTP certificate when prompted
2. Note the thumbprint of the new certificate. Let us assume it is 7A39541F8DF58D4821967DD8F899B27410F7C081
3. $a=get-date
4. Set-AuthConfig -NewCertificateThumbprint 7A39541F8DF58D4821967DD8F899B27410F7C081 –NewCertificateEffectiveDate $a
Accept to continue despite the fact that the certificate effective date is not 48 hours into the future
5. Set-AuthConfig –PublishCertificate
6. Make sure to remove any potential reference to the previous certificate (which might not exist anymore) by doing Set-AuthConfig -ClearPreviousCertificate.
you can now get back to finishing up your prereqs:
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