domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Cisco 801 / 881 reset to factory defaults and enable access from Cisco Configuration Professional

Spanish keywords: Resetear contraseña Cisco 801/881 Resetear Estado de Fábrica

To reset a Cisco 801 / 881 to factory defaults, you must:

1. unplug AC cord
2. press the reset button and hold it
3. plug de AC Cord, count less than 5 seconds (5,4,3,2 - plug)
4. wait until the router reset
5. test with a dhcp client on ethernet port 0 ip must be assigned to your desktop or laptop, the cisco router must have the ip.  

You could access the router with or the one use user and password is cisco / cisco, but this console don't work fine

You must create another privilege 15 user.  So enter with putty to a secure shell (ssh). 

Remember that the cisco / cisco user and password combination is for a single login, later the cisco user expires so:

1. connect with putty and run this command to config the first settings of router
  • enable
  • configure terminal

2. create a local user
  • username admin privilege 15 secret cisco

  • with this you create a "admin" user with password "cisco" change as you wish

    3. enable http or https
    • ip http server  
    • ip http secure-server
    4. Enable local user authentication
    • ip http authentication local
    Now you can use Cisco Configuration Professional to configure DHCP, NAT or Advanced Firewall Rules.



    If you doubt use this MicroNugget Tutorial:


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