jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

How to move Exchange 2000 to new hardware and keep the same server name

Basado en: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/297289


  1. To move Exchange 2000 to new hardware:
    Verify that the databases are in a "Clean Shutdown" state. To do this, type the following command at a command prompt:
    eseutil /mh database name.edb
    Make an offline backup copy of the .edb files and the .stm files for each database. You can then copy these files into the same locations on the new server after the new server is built.

  2. Document the existing locations of databases and transaction logs. You will have to re-create these locations on the new system.

  3. Take the existing server offline. o añade un disco duro nuevo

  4. Reset the machine account for the Exchange 2000 server:
    Start Active Directory Users and Computers.
    Locate the Exchange 2000 server machine account, right-click the machine account, and then click Reset Account. (saca un system state del domain controller para deshacer cualquier cosa que falle)

  5. Bring the new server online and use the same server name. (instala en otra partición u otro disco duro), configura la tarjeta de red apuntando al dns correctamente y el sufijo en el registro de dns igualmente

  6. Use an Exchange 2000 Full Administrator account to log on to the new server. (o sea unele al dominio)

  7. Install any components that Exchange 2000 requires, such as Internet Information Services (IIS) and the appropriate Microsoft Windows 2000 Server service packs. Note After you install the SMTP service, set the SMTP service to disabled until the Exchange installation is complete. This will prevent this server from receiving mail until Exchange is functioning properly. (cierra el puerto en el firewall o en el antispam) en brightmail Consola - Administration - Host Name - clic en Pause message scanning and delivery. Instala el service pack mas actual y si tienes tiempo el rollup y los demas updates criticos y de seguirdad, pon el antivirus con proteccion de red preferible

  8. Use an Exchange 2000 Full Administrator account to log on to the new server.

  9. Run Exchange 2000 Setup with the following parameter:
    Setup /disasterrecovery Make sure that you click Action-Disaster Recovery for the Messaging and Collaboration services and the Exchange System Management Tools.

  10. When Setup is complete, install the Exchange 2000 service pack that was installed on the existing server by using the update.exe /disasterrecovery switch.

  11. (this section is useless)
    If the following registry key does not already exist, add a DWORD value and the following registry string based on the service pack value:
    DWORD value name: ServicePackBuildHexadecimal value: number
    The number varies based on the service pack:
    The hexadecimal number for the retail, released version without a service pack is 1141.
    The hexadecimal number for Service Pack 1 is 1268.
    The hexadecimal number for Service Pack 2 is 1682.
    The hexadecimal number for Service Pack 3 is 1869.

  12. Install any Exchange 2000 post-service pack hotfixes that were installed on the existing server.
  13. Remove all transaction log files that were created during the installation of Exchange. For example, remove E00xxxxx.log and E00.log. Then, restore or copy the files that you backed up in step 1.
  14. Just copy mdbdata to the new server use the original location, to replay all unconfirmed transactions.
  15. Mount all of the stores after the restoration is complete. Make sure that clients can connect and that mail can flow. Edit "Unmount settings"
More reading.
  1. 296788 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/296788/ ) Offline backup and restoration procedures for Exchange

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