miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

IBM X3100 M4 Windows Setup stuck "copying files" at 0%

IBM X3100 M4

  • I've detected that the issue occurs when you try to install Microsoft Windows 2008, 2008 R2 / 2012 and 2012R2. 
  • If you try to boot directly with Windows Boot DVD the Windows setup stucks on copying files foreever on 0%.
  • Some support fórums says that the issue must be the Brand of DVD that has the Windows Image.

  • Our server has 4 SATA 1TB HDD and we have to install VMWare esxi 5 or 6 to get a functional server.
  • So, with included MR10 controller on VMWare we cant build a single RAID 1.
  • We created data redundancy placing Dynamic disks with Windows Mirroring on different datastores
  • This is a Exchange 2010 Server, with several issues with VMWare time sync and a sluggish performance

Step by step resolution:
  1.  Get IBM ServerGuide 9.63 x86-64 iso file from: https://www-945.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/systemx/downloadFixes?fixIds=ibm_utl_sguide_9.63-win2k08_anyos_x86-64
  2. Burn it to a DVD
  3. Boot ServerGuide, answer the RAID questions and choose Windows 2008 x64 as the operating System
  4. Respond  all the answer files for Windows Setup questions
  5. When it asks for DVD, you'll need to use an Original Dual Windows 2008 x32 / x64 DVD
  6. Once installed you can in-place upgrade from Windows 2008 to Windows 2012 or 2008r2
  7. Once you got Windows 2012 o 2008r2 you can in-place upgrade to get Windows 2016 or Windows 2012R2
You'll need a bunch of iso files from Microsoft VLSC


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