lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Ubee Residential Gateway - Login Page Missing

Spanish Keywords: Botón/Página de Inicio de sesión de un cable modem Ubee Residential Gateway no aparece
Fuente 1:
Fuente 2:

- Download and unzip on c:\snmpwalk
- open Cmd as administrator
- run c:\snmpwalk\snmpwalk -r: -t:30 -os:. -aw reporte.txt
if you get a timeout try again the same command until you get a several snmp oids on a reporte.txt file (a working file must have almost 80k)
- open reporte.txt file with notepad

You'll need at least this several OIDs data: (if you cant find 1.3.6.xxxxx OIDs run snmpwalk until you get something like this somewhere in the file)
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=
OID=., Type=IpAddress, Value=

On Internet Explorer you should try listed IPs until you get the "Login Button" on the left side of the screen using

or you can try until you get user/password login screen running as i do:

The default password for Ubee Modems are:

Vendor – ModelAccess TypeUsernamePassword
Ubee – U10C019 (Ambit Firmware)useruser
Ubee – U10C022 (Ambit Firmware)admincableroot

if you use user/user combination probably you could not Access the advanced modem settings



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