viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

ARP reset on RedHAT

for i in `awk -F ' ' '{ if ( $1 ~ /[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}]/ ) print $1 }' /proc/net/arp` ; do arp -d $i ; done

[wplug] Clearing arp cache

Poyner, Brandon bpoyner at
Wed Jul 14 09:29:45 EDT 2004
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It's not that the Linux arp command couldn't clear all the arp cache entries, they just don't give you that option (i.e.: you could modify the source code and make it happen easily enough). I guess they figure since the arp cache times out after some 3 minutes and arp broadcasts are a continual process it's not worth the effort. Something like this should work, though it's an ugly hack.

for i in `awk -F ' ' '{ if ( $1 ~ /[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}].[0-9{1,3}]/ ) print $1 }' /proc/net/arp` ; do arp -d $i ; done

Brandon Poyner
Network Engineer II
CCAC - College Office

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