lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Clear OS - Banned Office 2007 Files - docx, xlsx, pptx


Re:Banned Office 2007 Files - docx, xlsx, pptx 9 Months, 1 Week ago
If you do want to pass these then add them to the list also (note these will be passed as 'clean' regardless of content)

I found the following also worked:-

Create a file called /etc/amavisd/override.conf

$banned_filename_re = new_RE(
[ qr'(\.xlsx|\.docx|\.pptx|\.xlsm|\.docm|\.pptm)$' => 0 ], # allow all MS Office 2007 (including macro)

Then run 'service amavisd restart' - it should now pass these files, the ones to be wary of are xlsm or docm which contain macros.

You can disable the .bin files from being blocked but opens a bit of a security hole for other binary files from admin console

Server- Mail Scanning-Antimalware Uncheck .bin CD Iso image files

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